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Stickers for Restoration Projects
Stickers for Restoration Projects
At VE we stock all those little items that make your restoration complete. We even go as far as to stock many stickers for both Lambretta and Vespa older models. There are Running IN and Oil Ratio Stickers in a variety of colours to finish the job off to a tee.
These are easily sent by post to you or with your order of other items. All our courier shipments and posted items are sent FREE at VE, as all shipments are till Christmas Eve this year.
So no matter what you are buying at VE it’s sent to you Free!
Tel: 0115 946 2991
Open: Monday to Friday
Open: 9am to 5.30pm
VE (UK), Unit 2a, Masons Place, Nottingham Road, Derby, DE21 6YZ.
We now offer FREE SHIPPING on all orders, regardless of cost.