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Sip Cylinder Kit

Want more power from your large-frame Vespa 125 and want to stay legal?
This 125cc performance cylinder kit from SIP can achieve up to 12bhp when matched to the right parts and can boost the 125cc motor to the power of a T5 with its 6 transfer ports, and a boosted exhaust port (main exhaust port and 2 boost ports) layout, it comes supplied with the piston, cylinder head, spacers (for 2 and 3 port motors) and gaskets. match it with a competition crank, 24mm carb and a Sip 3 exhaust for best performance, and with its 52.8mm bore it’s still a legal 124.8cc.


You can order online at www.ve-uk.com or call us on 0115 946 2991.

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